House user manual

From CasaGenerosa
Revision as of 22:17, 12 April 2016 by FuzzyBot (Talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

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Open gas

  1. Before entering the gate
  2. the upper small door on the left
  3. open small door
  4. turn vertically the handle on gas meter
Contatore gas


Open water

  1. Entering the gate
  2. under the window, to the left
  3. open the small door
  4. to the right of the blue water meter
    Contatore acqua
  5. turn counterclockwise the green handle

Electric power

Main switch

  1. Before enter the gate,
  2. at the left side of the wall
    main switch at the left
  3. open the small door
  4. switch on
    main switch

Electric panel

  1. The switches are inside the wardrobe
Quadro elettrico
Interruttori quadro elettrico


Switch on hot water heater

The heater is on laundry

Wifi and Internet

The ADSL modem is in the wardrobe


wifi: CasaGenerosa